Victoria Ekanoye takes part in #LettersToYoungerMe collection for Roald Dahl Charity!

July 14, 2021
Victoria Ekanoye takes part in #LettersToYoungerMe collection for Roald Dahl Charity!

We're so proud, here at Weird PR, of Victoria Ekanoye for taking part in the #LettersToYoungerMe collection  for the Roald Dahl Charity⁣ to r aise awareness around the importance of Roald Dahl Transition Specialist Nurses in supporting young people as they take the scary leap from children’s services to adult services.

In the UK, we are lucky enough to have 82 Roald Dahl Specialist Nurses, who work within the NHS and support over 21,000 seriously ill children and young people.⁣

They work with the entire family; providing that crucial link between them, the hospitals, community and social care, along with education.⁣

It’s not just about making sure all the appointments happen and that the young people don’t get lost between the gaps, it’s about making sure everyone is supported on an emotional level, that voices are heard and that families are able to enjoy being a family. ⁣

Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity fundraises to establish more Roald Dahl Specialist Nurses within the NHS; they work in partnership with hospitals, community providers and NHS commissioners to set up and support the nurses and their teams….⁣

What a truly great cause!

- Team Weird PR x

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